Growth Factor Therapy For Hair: 6 Myths Debunked



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Hair rejuvenation with growth factors is a cutting-edge and revolutionary treatment for increasing hair growth and boosting hair quality. This treatment method makes use of the power of growth factors, which are naturally occurring proteins in the body that stimulate cell growth and tissue healing. Growth factors are taken from the patient's blood or synthesized in a lab and then administered to the scalp directly or by microinjections in the context of hair restoration. When these growth factors are administered, they stimulate the hair follicles, resulting in increased blood flow and nutritional delivery to the hair follicles, which promotes the growth of thicker, stronger, and healthier hair.

This non-invasive and minimally invasive method has grown in popularity due to its ability to tackle the underlying cause of hair loss and produce more natural-looking results without the need for surgery. Furthermore, it is thought to be safe and well-tolerated, making it an appealing alternative for anyone looking to treat hair thinning and boost hair regrowth. However, like with any medical procedure, consultation with a skilled healthcare practitioner is required to establish its suitability for particular situations and the expected outcome

In the area of hair restoration and regeneration treatments, a growth factor for hair has become a buzzword. Growth factors are proteins that occur naturally and play important roles in cellular processes such as hair growth. However, like with any popular treatment, there are myths and misconceptions about the usage of hair growth agents. In this post, we will investigate and dispel some of the most popular misunderstandings about growth factor therapies for hair loss.

  1. Growth Factor Hair Rejuvenation is a miracle treatment for hair loss

One of the most common misconceptions about hair growth factors is that they are a miracle solution for all types of hair loss. While growth factors are important for encouraging hair development and promoting healthy hair follicles, they are not a one-size-fits-all answer. Hair loss is a complicated problem that is influenced by genetics, hormones, lifestyle, and underlying medical disorders. Growth factor treatments may be effective for some people, but they are not a one-size-fits-all cure for hair loss.

  1.  Hair growth factor therapy is not safe

This is perhaps the largest and most untrue myth out there. To begin with, this treatment is non-pyrogenic (it does not cause heat or fever) and non-invasive, making it quite safe. Second, the growth factors used in the treatment are derived from the patient's own blood, ensuring that there are no side effects. A skilled dermatologist would inject the sourced Growth factor into the location with high precision by utilizing dedicated instruments. This prevents platelet loss during delivery, allowing the tissues in the injured location to recover normally.

  1. Hair Transplantation can be replaced by Growth Factor Treatments

Some people feel that Growth Factor Hair Rejuvenation can completely replace hair transplantation as a method of hair restoration. However, it is critical to distinguish between the two approaches. Hair transplantation involves surgically moving hair follicles from one place of the body to another. Growth factor therapies try to stimulate existing hair follicles and increase hair growth. Growth factors may be appropriate for those with mild to moderate hair loss, but they may not provide the same level of effectiveness or long-term results as hair transplantation for people with more advanced hair loss.

  1. I don't need to Prepare for the treatment

No. There are a few things you should do before beginning treatment. They are as follows:

  • Stop taking blood thinners a week before the procedure.

  • Before coming for therapy, have a good meal.

  • For a few weeks before the procedure, refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol.

  1. I may resume my normal routine soon following the procedure

No. Even though there is little downtime and a short recovery period, a few hours of rest following the surgery is always advised. To attain the desired effects, you must also follow certain dos and don'ts after the Hair Rejuvenation treatment. Here they are:

Do’s –

  • Only take blood-thinning medication as directed by your dermatologist. 

  • Consume plenty of water and fluids to stay hydrated.

  • Maintain a stress-free environment.

  • Consume a balanced diet rich in proteins and fiber.

  • For the first three days following the treatment, only use pH-balanced shampoo.

Don’t –

  • Apply hair dye for at least two weeks following the treatment.

  • Apply any pressure to the treated area for at least eight hours after treatment. 

  • After the treatment, keep your head damp for at least three hours.

  • For at least a week, engage in any strenuous activities.

  • Consume fast food

  • Drink alcohol

  • Smoke

  1. Are PRP treatment and growth factor therapy for hair the same?

Though both therapies appear to be extremely similar, they are not. PRP is essentially plasma with a high concentration of platelets. When stimulated, these platelets produce growth factors that aid in hair regrowth. Growth factor concentrate, on the other hand, comprises readymade growth factors synthesized from the patient's blood. In this scenario, the dermatologist does not require platelets to activate growth factors. In addition, when compared to PRP, growth factor therapy causes less pain. 

In recent years, growth factor hair rejuvenation treatments for hair loss have received a lot of attention and interest. While growth factors are important in encouraging hair development and maintaining healthy hair follicles, it is critical to approach these treatments with realistic expectations and an understanding of the myths that surround them. Growth factors are not a cure-all for hair loss, nor do they promise rapid or long-term results for everyone. Their efficiency is determined by a variety of circumstances, and individual reactions may differ. Individuals should contact trained medical specialists, perform thorough research, and purchase items from reliable sources to make informed judgments concerning growth factor therapy. Furthermore, it is critical to recognize that growth factor therapies may be used in conjunction with other hair restoration methods, such as hair transplantation or lifestyle changes, to get more comprehensive and personalized results in addressing hair loss difficulties.

To know more about growth factor hair rejuvenation visit or book your appointment now, with The Wellness Co.